Spinach/Palak Soup Recipe- Rich In Iron

recipe for Spinach/ palak soup
Spinach Soup
Spinach or Palak Soup is a great soup to enjoy on a cold night.

You will completely appreciate this highly nutritional soup, simple to-prepare spinach soup. Preparing it with low-fat milk gives it a flawless emerald green shading, which together with the fragrance of sautéed onions, makes this soup compelling! 

This soup is particularly prescribed for all the weight-watchers. We are using wheat flour instead of refined flour to give the thickness in the soup.

 Benefits of Spinach 
  • This soup is best when you are trying to Lose Weight. Perfect
  • Spinach is having low-calorie content and hence it is ideal to have while you are losing weight.
  • People suffering from Iron Deficiency can also have this soup as spinach is rich in Iron. Spinach/palak soup is given to lactating/menstruating women, children, and also to an elderly person, as it increases energy levels in the body.


Serves: 4 pax.

Preparation Time:10 Mins
Cooking Time: 20 Mins

  • 2 tbsp olive oil/ghee/clarified butter
  • 2 small chopped onions
  • 1 bunch spinach(chopped)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup fat-free cold milk
  • 2 tbsp wheat flour
  • Salt
  • Black pepper powder

  1. Heat the pan add clarified butter, add chopped onions and chopped spinach, add 2 cups water and let it cook for 3-4 mins. Allow the mixture to cool till it comes to the room temperature.
  2.  Add the mixture in mixture grinder and grind it/ you can also use hand-blender, blend it with a hand blender. Strain the mixture into a bowl.
  3. Boil the strained mixture(soup) for 1 min, add 1/2 cup milk. Add salt and black pepper powder as per the taste, boil for 2 mins.
Serve Hot!!!

A quick Cooking tip: Always use hot milk in hot soup mixture, and cold milk in cold soup mixture, else the milk can get spoiled, and the recipe will completely spoil.
